enter application name, Description and select language of your project and then click to create. open your Factory talk view studio and Create a new project in Site Edition. Download Program To Studio 5000 Logix Emulate after making a logic download your program to Studio 5000 Logix Emulate by communication tab and select your Driver than download project to controller Create A Project In FactoryTalk View SE after successfully download your program to controller next to make a new project in factory talk view studio SE. Create A Logic In Studio 5000 now make a program in studio 5000 in this example i am making a Even and Odd finder logical program if enter value is even than even_value tag is set 1 otherwise odd value is set to 1 so you make your own program if you have any difficulty contact with email or you can comment below. Select Slot number same as Studio 5000 Logix Emulate Create A Tag In Studio 5000 define controller Tag make name which are easy to understand, here i am creating a three global controller Tag even value (bool data type), odd value(bool data type) and enter value(DINT datatype). Enter Name and then select Emulator Controller click to Next Configuration Of Studio 5000 Logix Emulate after selecting controller next to configure Studio 5000 logix emulate so first select revision in this article i select 32, second select chassis third most important slot number select slot as per logix emulate. for more information How To Emulate Rslogix 5000 Controller Using Studio 5000 Logix Emulate visit link Create A Project IN Studio 5000 So First Step Open Your Studio 5000 And Create A Simple Project and select Studio 5000 Logix Emulate Controller.

Studio 5000 Logix Emulate Allows Experimentation With And The Debugging Of Application Code In A Controlled Environment Without Real Physical 5000 Controller.so today we discuss how to connect Factory Talk view Se with Rslogix5000 Emulator. Studio 5000 Logix Emulate Is A Software Application That Emulates The Behavior Of Logix5000 Controllers.

Where FactoryTalk View Provides All The Tools You Need To Create Powerful, Dependable Process Monitoring And Supervisory Control Applications Operator Interface, and Studio 5000 Logix Emulate Contains A Virtual Chassis That Allows Configuring Emulation Modules. FactoryTalk View And RSLogix5000 Is Software Application Program Developed By Rockwell Automation.